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Pursuant to art. 52 of the Consumer Code, the consumer Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded remotely or negotiated outside the business premises, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 14 working days from the day of delivery.
For another, pursuant to art. 59 of the Consumer Code, the consumer Purchaser will not be able to exercise the right of withdrawal in relation to the supply of tailor-made or clearly personalized goods.
The right of withdrawal can also not be exercised, always pursuant to art. 59 of the Consumer Code, also on sealed goods that do not lend themselves to be returned for hygienic reasons or related to health protection and have been opened after delivery (such as, by way of example, mattresses, pillows, linens, etc. .).

For more information about the products in the online catalog that have the right of withdrawal, you can contact us. by phone or email.

The consumer purchaser communicates his decision to exercise the right of withdrawal from the contract by sending, within the period indicated above, a written communication (registered letter, fax, e-mail) Manual by Fabio Podda. The consumer buyer is required to return the goods at his own expense and expense to the F.B.S. without undue delay and in any case within 14 days of exercising the right of withdrawal and is responsible for the integrity of the property itself in the original packaging.
Therefore, pursuant to art. 57 of the Consumer Code, the costs of returning the goods will be borne by the Consumer Buyer. If the right of withdrawal is exercised in accordance with the provisions indicated herein, Manuality. will reimburse the amount paid by the consumer Buyer, excluding the costs incurred by Manualità. for the shipment of goods to the consumer Buyer. The refund will be made by bank transfer within 14 days from the date on which Manualità. it will become aware of the bank details of the consumer Buyer or in any case of the methods indicated by it for the return of the amount due, however after receiving the goods from its warehouses and checking the state of integrity.
